During my career I’ve written a lot of technical certifications – some I’ve passed, and others, well,...
A month or so ago I finally went through with writing the AWS Certified Developer Associate Exam...
Earlier last year I set out with a goal to give the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam...
During Part 4 of this series when we created our first Oracle database we opted to load...
Alright – we have Oracle set up and all configured, we blasted a container and a pluggable...
Finally – we are getting to the home stretch here with this series. So far we’ve installed...
Alright – by now we have installed Oracle Linux in Part 1 and prepped our installation with...
Hopefully, by now you have a fully functional running VM with Oracle Linux on it – if...
Wait what? Oracle? Yeah, I’m shifting focus over the next couple of months to try and learn...
Veeam ONE is essentially a management program, providing monitoring, reporting and alerting for your virtual infrastructure, whether...