Is it flowing? I like flowing, cascading hair. Thick lustrous hair is very important to me. Let me ask you this. If you stick your hand in the hair is it easy to get it out?
George Costanza – Seinfeld
Virtual Design Master 4 looking for sponsors
If you have never checked out the Virtual Design Master challenge I suggest you stop reading this and head over to their site and peruse the last 3 season, then com back here of course…. Anyways, the online, reality based challenge is back for Season 4 and they are looking for sponsors to help provide prizes, swag, infrastructure, etc for the upcoming season! So if you work for a vendor and want to get your brand attached to VDM4, follow this link to indicate your interest! They are looking to get everything firmed up to have a July/August competition.
New HTML5 vSphere Web Client!
Why VMware feels the need to change how the lightening fast, crazy responsive, highly reliable vSphere Web Client that is currently out there is beyond me, but they are… I hope you can detect the sarcasm in that last sentence. Anyways, they have been hard at work (re)developing the vSphere Web Client, removing it’s reliance on flash and flex and providing the same functionality through code based on HTML5. I’ve not yet had a chance to check this out, but from the reactions on the blogosphere and Twitter I’d say that they are on the right track! They are releasing the vSphere Web Client 6.5 as a Fling, allowing the product to get out into everyone’s hands before it’s integrated into a vSphere version. If you have a chance go and check it out – it’s simply a virtual appliance that integrates with your current environment.
Getting Linux ready for a vSphere Template!
Fellow VFD4 delegate Larry Smith recently posted in regards to cleaning up your Ubuntu templates! It’s a great post that covers off a lot of things than you can do to ensure you have a clean, prepped instance of Ubuntu to use a template within your vSphere environment. That said, he takes it one step further, scripting out the complete cleanup in bash – and in Ansible. If you deal with Linux/Ubuntu templates I would definitly recommend heading over to Larry’s blog and applying some of this scripty goodness.
vSphere.next – Beta Time!
VMware has announced that the next version of vSphere will enter a (limited) public beta. If you feel like you have the time and are ready to provide the effort in providing feedback, submitting bugs, etc to VMware in regards to the next release of vSphere then you can head here and indicate your interest in being a part of the beta. As far as I know not everyone will be accepted – careful consideration will be taken on who is chosen to participate as they want to ensure they are getting valuable feedback and discovering any gotchya’s in the product before releasing it to the masses!
ZertoCon – The Premier Business Continuity Conference
Zerto has been a long time sponsor of this blog so I thought I’d place a shoutout to them and what they have in the works this spring! You can join Zerto and many others from May 23-25 in beautiful Boston for ZertoCon. Lately we have seen a lot of these smaller vendors opting to have their own conferences – and honestly if you use their products they are a must for you to go! The VM/EMC Worlds are a great venue, but honestly, these smaller, laser focused conferences are absolutely fabulous if you are looking to gain more knowledge around certain vendors and their ecosystems! I encourage you to check it out and sign up if you have the chance to go!
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