There have been a ton of vExpert posts over the last few days since the announcement of the 2013 recipients so I’m just going to throw another one into the fire! Once again I’m stoked to be nominated as a 2013 vExpert! I find it amazing to look at my growth over the last three years and am proud of how far I’ve come, both professionally and personally and a big part of that is a direct result of this community.
So a big thank you to VMware, John Troyer, and the rest of the community team and most importantly the community itself. I’ve always said that my main reason for starting this blog, doing those VMworld/VMUG presentations, evangelizing technology in general is not to gain titles like vExpert (although I’ll take it, it’s pretty sweet) it was to simply give back to the community that I’ve gained so much from.
More so than the title, it’s really the retweets, the comments, the thank you emails, the suggestions, the help and the feedback that I get from all of you that makes all of this worthwhile and self fulfilling. Also big congrats to all of the new and returning vExperts! There is a lot of them which is super awesome! Honestly it’s a great group of people with a lot of brain power and its’ quite humbling to have my name listed next to some of them! Big grats also going out to my fellow Toronto VMUGers Angelo Luciani and Eric Wright – well deserved on their parts!
So once again Thank You and cheers to another vYear!