Being an active member of the virtualization community I have been fortunate enough to have won a couple of Trainsignal VMware training DVDs (Performance and Troubleshooting). I thought I would do up this post in order to help people understand how these dvd's have helped me, and maybe help people make a decision about picking up some TrainSignal training if they are on the fence.
First off I want to mention the enthusiasm and energy from the presenter David Davis really makes these videos top notch. I've watched video training before that tends to put you to sleep and eventually results in you not even completing the courses, but the excitement in David Davis' voice coupled with the technical quality of the content he covers really keeps you engaged in the videos. You can really tell that David is passionate about what he does and really takes pride in the quality of the end result.
As for the content, the Troubleshooting Training takes you through 30 lessons each broken up into a handful of subsections. David starts at how to setup your own lab and ends with a video outlining where to go to solve some of the most common situations quickly. The meat and bones of the course is in between these lessons. David takes you through complete scenarios around troubleshooting networking, storage (FC, NFS, and iSCSI), vCenter, ESX and ESXi, vMotion, SVMotion, DRS, HA, and VM Power On Failures.
The Performance training is divided up into a whopping 40 lessons that again start with a lab setup and include everything and anything you need to know about tuning and optimizing your vSphere environment to get the best possible performance out of it. Again, every possible performance related subject is covered including Memory, CPU, Storage, and DRS. You will not find a better performance monitoring resource out there anywhere. This training not only touches on using VMware's monitoring products such as AppSpeed, vCenter Operations, Capacity IQ, esxtop, ESXPlot, and IO Blazer but it also covers a wide range of third party applications like Veeam Monitor, vKernel vOperations Suite, Xangati, and XtraVirt.
To be honest both of these training courses by TrainSignal are a must have for any VI Admin or anyone looking to obtain their VCAP certifications. Both the troubleshooting and the performance monitoring along with the vSphere Security and vSphere PowerCli Training are combined in a VCAP package on They are jam packed full of quality content that can be viewed directly off the DVD's, on your IPAD, or even on TrainSignals Training Portal online. They are laid out in a way where you can either sit through them from start to finish, or skip directly to your desired location. I would recommend these to anyone looking to expand their knowledge in regards to vSphere.

No Way!!!
Yes Way! Get your hands on a copy of TrainSignal's VMware vSphere 5 Training by David Davis and Elias Khnaser. Nearly 17 hours of jam-packed vSphere 5 training on to 3 DVDs. This is the perfect training for anyone looking to prepare for the VCP 5 certification or even if you are just looking to expand your knowlege around what's new with vSphere 5!
How do I get my hands on this?
Hey that's the easy part! Simply comment in the form below and let the world know what your favorite new feature of vSphere 5 is! To be honest you could just comment on whatever you want but I was just trying to make it interesting…! Be sure to put your twitter handle the comment somewhere if you want that extra entry!
What!?!? Extra entries!! OMG!
Sure, why not. Simply follow me on twitter and send out the tweet below and I'll throw an extra ballot in for you! If you can't see the tweet box below it is because you are just on the main page, you might need to click directly into this article…or just tweet this.. I just entered the @mwpreston @trainsignal #happynewsphere contest via
So how do I know if I won?
On January 16th or so I'll do some sort of random number generation compared to excel spreadsheet magic hat operation and pick a winner! From there I'll get in touch with the winner whether it be through email, twitter, facebook, telephone, telegram, etc and let them know…after I have confirmation I'll post an update here! If for some reason I don't hear back from the winner or they don't want the prize or whatever, I'll do it all again!
Good Luck!!!
Awesome, thanks for the contest and the great learning materials!
Althought we’re not on vSphere 5, I would have to say I’m looking forwarding to playing with some of the new storage features (Storage DRS and Profile-Driven Storage)
I am looking forward to the improvements of vMotion over higher-latency networks. This improves your DR plan and have VMs move to another site.
Storage features! Awesome contest 🙂
Great content, great way to learn.
Thanks for the contest!
Some of my favorite new vSphere 5 features are Profile-Driven Storage and the enhancements to vDS and NIOC. I’m also loving some of the small stuff, like finally having an interface in vSphere Client to set MTU on vmkernel NICs and assign them to the SW iSCSI initiator.
Storage DRS!
Being able to prioritize my storage!
I dig the service-oriented and stateless firewall engine. It offers up a great deal more flexibility and granularity.
Thanks for the opportunity to win such a great contest!
I’m perplexed by Storage DRS but looking forward to playing around with it.
Auto deploy looks amazing!
It’d have to be a toss-up between Storage DRS, and the rewrite of HA and it’s inclusion of datastore heart beating.
I am extremely interested in the Auto Deployment options
Storage DRS would probably be one the best additions to vSphere 5 I think.
Storage DRS for sure.
Auto deploy
Storage DRS features and the vsphere api which reclaims the white spaces on our Compellent box
Storage DRS
Mine would be the VSA, this is a really cool solution for SMB and with people without shared storage.
TrainSignal has always been good, thanks and great blog.
New to VMware but looking forward to using it.
Ability to choose number of cores you want to use