Doughnuts! I told you I don’t like ethnic food! – Mr Burns, The Simpsons
This edition of Friday Shorts isn’t really going to be that short at all – It’s been a while since I’ve done one and there is a ton of content out there that I wanted to re-share for people so buckle up, here it is!
2016 Toronto VMUG UserCon !
Thursday, February 25th marked the date for the 2016 Toronto VMUG Full Day UserCon and I couldn’t be happier as to how it turned out! Honestly, as a leader I was interested the whole day about how many attendees we had and as it turned out we had our best year ever with 800+ registrations and 605 brains that walked through the doors! Last year we had 601 and I’m sure it would have been more for this year but you know, Canadian winters eh! We had Nick Marshall do the morning keynote and his talk was awesome – I heard nothing but good things from the attendees in regards to the content Nick had to talk about (BTW it was dubbed Building your IT Career) If you get a chance to have Nick out for your VMUG do so! He’s awesome! For our lunchtime keynote we had a VCDX panel – Tim Antonowitz, James Wirth, Joe Silvagi and Eiad Al-Aqqad graciously volunteered to sit up on stage as we had some great discussion with the attendees at the conference from everything dealing with certification through to NSX integration! All in all it was a great day and if you were there I hope you enjoyed it – if you weren’t, come next year!
What does Docker, vExpert, Ravello and Netflix have in common?
@h0bbel that’s what! More explanation – well, Christian is a vExpert, vExperts get some free CPU hours on Ravello Systems (Ravello is awesome BTW – be nice Oracle!), and he has a great post on his blog on how to setup Dockerflix within Ravello on Photon in order to test (get around) those geo-blocking Netflix firewall “you can’t watch this” setups! So if you are say a vExpert blogger that lives in Canada that really fancies yourself a couple of hours of Legally Blonde I suggest you set the Maple Syrup ladle down and head over to Christians post!.
Speaking of Ravello – How’s about some community cmdlets?
And when you think of community in the sense of this blurb just think of Luc Dekens being a one-man community! If you are Ravello user and fancy yourself some PowerShell cmdlets Luc has an updated module on his blog available for download. Luc has certainly put a lot of effort into this module which contains hooks into almost every single API Ravello offers! I certainly find this module very useful for my work with Ravello and just want to give Luc a big Thank You for this!
Running commands on the VCSA without SSH
If I was being shipped off to a deserted island and could only take with me the RSS feed of one virtualization blog I have to think that as of today that blog would be William Lams virtuallyGhetto! William just seems really good at figuring things out – is that a line that can go on a resume? I don’t know, either way, his recent post on how to run commands on the VCSA remotely without enabling ssh is pretty awesome! He utilizes the Guest Operations API through a vSphere SDK to do so! Just go read it, it’s gold Jerry, it’s gold! goes here it is
#ChrisWahlFacts – He doesn’t mess around when it comes to dropping knowledge about PowerShell and REST APIs
Over yonder at WahlNetwork.com Chris Wahl has a great series going on dubbed Automation for Operations – Honestly the whole series is great but its the last 4 parts that have really helped me out…a lot! Chris has done a great job at explaining a bunch of concepts around utilizing PowerShell to connect to RESTful API’s, including Authentication, Processing GET Requests, Sending data with POST/PUT/PATCH, and his latest, creating hashtables for JSON payloads!
Veeam Vanguard nominations are open!
Ever wake up and think “Hey, Why isn’t so and so a Veeam Vanguard?” or “Why am I not a Veeam Vanguard?” Well, so long as you wake up wondering about that before March 30th you have a chance to throw your name or someone whom you think is worthy into the mix! You can check out the official Veeam post here.
vExpert stuff!
We all know that being a vExpert isn’t about what you get, but more about what you give – buuuuutttt, the fact of the matter is you do get stuff, sometimes lots of stuff, and it’s hard to keep track of it all! Thankfully for the vExpert community Andrea Mauro is doing a great job at keeping track of it all for you! Without posts like this there is no way I’d be able to keep track of it! So, Thanks Andrea!