Every year VMware takes the thousands of session abstracts submitted by community members and puts them out there to the masses so YOU can have your say, whether it be a yay or nay! This year is no different so if you haven’t already cast your votes for the session you want to see you’d better hurry as voting ends this weekend, Sunday, May 18th @ 11:59 PDT.
Now there are a ton of great sessions available and by no means am I going to tell you which ones to vote on (wait, yes I am and I’m going to do it right now!) If you are having trouble wading through them all or just want to get that clicking finger warmed up why not just search for Session 1683 and give that one a vote.
For real though I have some high hopes for this session – I’ve teamed up with a couple of the brightest and smartest guys I know when it comes to vCO (James Bowling [blog/twitter] and Joerg Lew[blog/twitter]) to bring an informative panel session revolving around best practices, pitfalls, tips and tricks when it comes to vCenter Orchestrator. We are hoping to turn this session into a real discussion with a lot of interaction from the audience. So, if that sounds appealing to you then go ahead and give us the ‘Thumbs Up’. If not, then leave unchecked – actually, don’t, just Thumbs up it anyway 🙂
Either way, VMworld 2014 is quickly approaching and I hope to see you there!