Well, once again Angelo (twitter) did an awesome job at putting together an awesome event at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre on May 7th. I'm not going to include all the slide decks as I normally do, if you want to see them you can rock on over to the Toronto VMUG website and check them out for yourself. I will however include the last presentation of the day, which was done by Eric Wright (blog/twitter), a community member who spoke about Powershell and PowerCLI and how to apply them to your everyday experiences. In my opinion this is what the user groups are all about, the users, the members speaking about their experiences. I understand the need for vendors to have there time to speak, without those sponsors we couldn't have events likes this, and honestly, both vendors that were at this event (Veeam and Arista Networks) did a great job and had some great presentations, but their is nothing more valuable then listening to your peers and other people just like you talk about their experiences…
Speaking of the vendor presentations, the last two VMUGs that I have attended have had some great conversation and back and forth with the vendors during their presentations and this one was no different. A lot of great questions being asked resulting in a lot of great answers and follow up questions. These events are amazing when the audience is engaged as they are in Toronto.
It was nice to connect with Angelo and hear about his experiences while hosting the Silicon Valley VMUG last month. It's always great to connect and hear the things that Angelo has planned for the future for not only the Toronto VMUG but other events he is looking to host. He really does dedicate a lot of his time to the community and I'm happy that he was recognized as a vExpert and asked to help out with the Silicon Valley VMUG.
So hats off to Angelo and a big thanks to Eric for making it a fabulous day. And again as always, stay connected with the Toronto VMUG by reading the blog, follow them on twitter, connect on LinkedIn and circle them on Google +. And as promised, Eric's slide deck below….