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One of my goals for the blog this year was to get a little more personable with some of the content I place up here. In thinking how to do that I wasn’t really sure what I could do – I mean, no one is really interested in reading articles where I rant about the Habs or whatnot. With all that, I’ve decided maybe a monthly wrap-up might be a good spot to document not only what I’ve been working on, but what’s been happening in and around the world of mwpreston as well! So, we are led to here – the September wrap-up!
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September was a busy month – for those that don’t know I work within the education sector here in Canada so as you can imagine September is a very busy month with all the staff that has been off for the summer rolling back through the doors of the schools and offices! Either way, we got through it without a hitch! September also completed our upgrade of 70 or so hosts and a couple vCenters to 6.5 update 1 – aside from all that it’s been a busy month filled with our normal start-up type processes!
You may also notice that mwpreston.net is now full-out https! I figured it was time.
I also had the chance to jump in and play with Ravello and Oracle’s new bare metal cloud option! Honestly, this has got some major performance benefits over the older stuff – You can find the link to my post about it below..
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On the topic of school take my own two little mwpreston’s rocked their way into Senior Kindergarten and Grade 3! Time tends to simply fly by – remember to always find some time to improve your work/life balance. I’ve also been busy helping my wife out with her own business venture – been a lot of wordpressing and theming going on in our house in the wee hours of the night 🙂
As if I didn’t already have enough hobbies I’ve also begun the venture into attempting a little homebrew – not beer, but cider! I’ve picked up a vintage, and I mean vintage, fruit grinder and press! We have a couple apple trees out back which has yet to yield fruit but the hopes are someday I’ll be able to make my very own hard cider off them. For now, I’m going to give it a shot with some local orchard cider – been reading up a lot on fermentation and there’s a lot to it. I’m not the most patient guy so we will see how this goes….
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September also brought a couple major IT conferences with it as well; VMworld Europe and Microsoft Ignite. VMworld Europe seemed abnormally close to VMworld US this year – and I think that most the major announcements occurred in Vegas! The US show saw a lot of announcements including the general availability of VMware on AWS. One of these years I have to try and make it to the Europe portion of VMworld – I’ve heard it’s a great atmosphere and a much more technical show! As for Ignite, we saw a few new versions of Office 365 released, one tailored solely to education including Minecraft :), a ton of new Azure-based services and features, and some updates to other Microsoft products. The coolest thing however that I took notice to is Project Honolulu – a browser-based on-premises solution to managing your Windows Servers! This looks very cool and I’m excited to see where it goes…
Aside from the major IT conference we also saw Tech Field Day 15 take place in Silicon Valley! Be sure to head over to their page to check out the always informative videos that spawn from those events!
I had the chance to attend a small Veeam meetup in my local area here. Maybe a dozen or so local IT pro’s got together with a few Veeam employees to go over whats coming down the pipe in terms of Veeam version 10. I was actually quite surprised to see just how many Veeam employees showed up to support this, as well as how many IT Pros were there from this small little community – We even have a local Cloud Connect partner in the area – who knew! Things are expanding here, an AHL team and a Cloud Connect partner! Big time!
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Aside from the posts further down the page that I published on this blog I also had a couple of posts published elsewhere on the internets!
- Leveraging PowerShell to consume a REST API – over on the StarWind blog
- Veeam and VAIO for CDP – over on the VMware TechTarget blog.
As far as here – September saw a total of 5 posts published!
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